Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Worm Wants YOU

Art Director and (now mad) designer Clint Catalan is looking for models for his Fabric event and subsequent campaign for his WORMS line. I will be co-conceptualizing/art directing this campaign to be shot by Art Abraham. Worms is more of a statement project rather than a commercial one so let it be established upfront that models will not be paid in cash. (All collaborators for this project will be working pro bono, myself included.) "So, can you justify why would i strip for you, losers?" you say.


Aspiring "Models" will be guaranteed fashion exposure via Worm's segment to be staged in Embassy Fly on 06 November 2008.

The four outstanding picks will be the centerpiece of a conceptual photo shoot for the WORMS campaign which will be distributed in print (magazines, dailies) and viral (blogs, online networking sites, forums etc). Think high-caliber photography for your model's folio/book. You will be given top-notch creatives and photography which you can use in whatever application you deem appropriate.

WORMS is looking for edgy 'character' faces (boring boy/girl-next-door faces will be ignored. kidding.) Multi-ethnic ones preferred.

Interested parties are encouraged to send head shots (or links to your sites) via Clint's sites here and here.

Thanks. see you at the studio!

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