Monday, March 31, 2008

Seething Summer

SUMMER IS UPON US, seething, hissing, like a smug bully who wants his presence known. Pavements crack, desires simmer, and it awakens my dormant inclinations to wander into far off places, away from the madness of hot concrete and steaming streets.

A weekend getaway is in order. But where?

Insomnia Begets Bloggorhea

SLEEP SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM BUT IT IS. The lack of it. Never getting enough of it. Or, if you are like me, typing this first blog entry while a huge fraction of the humanity is wedged in dreams and nightmares. This is when insomnia justifies the excuse to bake yet another blog: Words are our only true abundance. Yet we choose to remain ignorance to their worth, the degree of their wounds. Not much different from swimming in a crowded street and not really see anyone. So we withhold our phrases, edit our sentences, and in a sad routine of paranoia, suspend ourselves in silence.

How can anyone be so selfish?